Get Involved

1. Become An O.I.A. Facilitator
Receive all materials and learn how to do presentations on:
'The Overview Effect and Its Value to Life on Earth'
A deep interest in the Overview Effect - a completed questionnaire - a virtual interview process - and a willingness to share from your heart to become 'part of the solution' - these are the primary elements necessary for becoming a presenter of the O.I.A.'s Introductory Educational Program.
If approved, you will be trained to present this exciting life-changing program.
This program includes:
- A Dropbox delivery of a Keynote or PowerPoint slide presentation
- A PDF for the statements to go with each slide of the presentation
- The video of the powerful 5 minute Planetary Overview Experience
- The PDF for the post-expereince process and process questions
- Videos of interviews of astronauts and space philosophers
- A rich collection of video imagery of the overview planetary perspective
- Inspiring life-affirming perspectives on Ways to Involve
2. Sponsor programs in your area
An O.I.A. core member can visit your area to do a cluster of presentations to any variety of organizations and groups; including schools, clubs, businesses, religious organizations, awareness groups etc. Contact us to discuss details.
3. Become an Involved Benefactor
If you have financial resources and wish to support various projects of the O.I.A. to further raise awareness and foster deep generative change in human society, here is an opportunity for you to play an important and meaningful role in being 'part of the solution.'
The O.I.A. has a large vision for helping to establish a life-affirming human presence on planet Earth facilitated through exposure to the powerful cognitive shift that unfolds within the planetary overview.
Contact us to discuss possibilities for mutual involvement and cooperation.